Friday, December 20, 2013

Make it Christmas in your RV!

Your a full time RVer or may be just traveling for the Holidays. Its getting cold and the snow is starting to fall from the night sky. Your away from home but home is really where your heart is and that is with family and friends.

A pan of Gingerbread baking in your RV oven ushers in the the aroma of of the Holidays.The smell is wonderful! It beckons you to the memories of yesteryear with smiles around the tree and anxious children awaiting to open their long awaited gifts. Maybe popcorn strings carefully crafted with the occasional throwing match to see who can get the kernel in your mouth.

Hung candy cans decorate the accessible settings in your cabin and several small dishes of baked goods and chocolates set out, ready for the plucking. Steaming cups of hot Cocoa and Tea in yet cooler hands that hold it with an unpeeled candy cane you methodically swish and stir it with.
Little voices of excitement and awe come up with every creative idea to make it more Christmas.

You proudly lite that potpourri candle you got last Christmas from the in laws. The smell gives off every indication of a relaxed celebration. Adorned throughout your RV are pine branches that the family had gathered together from yesterday before dusk. Stockings carefully pinned to the curtains of your RV with everyone's name embroidered on them. Christmas decor of gold and silver green and blues with back drops of red weaved through out your cabin. The sights, the smells, the anticipation of youngsters make it home away from home.

Candles and Christmas Place mats, holly settings and a focal wreath above the couch comfort your eyes. Mistletoe for those moments mom and dad will share a quick romantic distraction and to be pulled away by an excited voice wanting help with the hanging of shiny ornaments on the tree. Dad decided the ornaments would look just as well on the walls of your coach.

Pine cones picked from outside your door and tied with ribbon. A basket of evergreen branches as a table decoration. The beauty of fresh fruits, nuts, candy and natural decor that not only are more enjoyable because it they are real, but easy to part with when the festivities are over. Minimal clean up or storage for this traveling family.

And of course don't forget... the very best of Christmas music running in the background to make the setting right. Christmas lights, candy canes, carols and laughter make this your RV Christmas.

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